Tutoring at The Point

The Point is an Academic Resource Center.

This is a service to help AEC students study, learn, and become part of the KU community.
Students working with an instructor


Appointments are Online and In Person

  • Online appointments are offered through Zoom or Teams.
  • In-person appointments are in 204 Lippincott Hall.

How to Make an Appointment

  1. Go to the Jayhawk GPS website: https://jayhawkgps.ku.edu/.
  2. Sign in to your account by clicking the ‘Student Login’ button in the middle of the page.
  3. On the next screen, click the “Navigate Student Web” button.
  4. Log in with your KU ID and password.
  5. On the home screen, click “Appointments” on the left side of the screen.
  6. On the appointment page, click the blue “Schedule an Appointment” button on the right side of the screen.
  7. You will see a window with 3 questions:
    • What type of appointment are you interested in? 
      • ChooseStudent Support Services"
    • Which of the following topics best describes your need?
      • Choose “Tutoring-Listening” or "Tutoring-Writing" below the Applied English Center
    • Pick a Date
      • Choose the date on the calendar that you would like to meet a tutor
  8. Click the Blue Button “Find an Available Time
  9. You will see the AEC tutors’ available times. Find a time and day that works for you and click on it.
  10. Confirm your appointment. You should receive a confirmation message about your upcoming appointment.  

Things to Remember

  • Have your book or materials with you.
  • Be prepared to talk about your assignment. 
  • Have a specific question or area that you want to work on.
  • Understand that we are here to point the way to the answers, so don’t ask the teacher to give you answers to your homework.
  • Sign up for one 30-minute appointment and NOT two consecutive 30-minute appointments.
    • It's good to get advice from your tutor, go back and do the work on your own, and then make another appointment if you need to.