
Located in the traditional college town of Lawrence, Kansas, KU provides an open, supportive, and welcoming environment for international students. KU's Applied English Center is a nationally accredited program that offers students a quicker way to start a degree program at KU, develop academic and English skills, and make lifelong friends.

The AEC helps prepare students who need to perfect their English before beginning their university studies, as well as those students who only wish to study for a short time in the U.S. We work with graduate students to refresh their skills in research writing, academic presentations, pronunciation, and other areas. We also work with departments to develop customized programs for particular groups of students.

There are so many things that the AEC can help you with. Plus, you’ll find that Lawrence and the University of Kansas community are incredibly welcoming to people from other countries and offer many opportunities not only to practice English and to get to know American culture outside of the classroom, but to also become a real member of the community.  

Let us know how we can help you!

Students smiling while studying outside
Students celebrating and throwing confetti at a KU basketball game
Students sitting in a circle and enjoying class outside